“This image depicts the pandemic which was predicted in 2018 actualised in December 2019 and was confirmed in March 2020. The policies of the pandemic led to high percentage of job loss, death, Isolation and Mental Trauma. It is important that we do our part as a society to make sure this grave occurrence is not experienced by the world again”

“Predictive coercion has been the top business strategy for most deceptive holdings”

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, upholding ethical standards is the linchpin for enduring success. Coercion, the use of force or threats to manipulate others, has no place in a thriving workplace. To cultivate an atmosphere of integrity and respect, consider these essential approaches to thwart coercion:

1. Champion Transparent Dialogue:

   - Cultivate a culture that values open and honest communication across all organizational tiers.

   - Establish avenues for employees to express concerns without apprehension, fostering a workplace built on transparency.

2. Prioritize Ethical Leadership:

   - Lead by example, embedding ethical values from the upper echelons down.

   - Provide leadership and managerial teams with training in ethical decision-making to ensure they guide their teams with unwavering integrity.

3. Offer Comprehensive Ethics Training:

   - Implement ongoing ethics training initiatives for all staff, underscoring the significance of ethical conduct.

   - Address specific scenarios where coercion might emerge, encouraging discussions around ethical alternatives.

4. Define Clear Policies and Procedures:

   - Articulate and disseminate organizational policies against coercion, leaving no room for ambiguity.

   - Establish streamlined procedures for reporting unethical behavior, ensuring swift and appropriate resolution.

5. Cultivate a Positive Work Culture:

   - Foster an environment founded on trust, collaboration, and reciprocal respect.

   - Acknowledge and celebrate ethical conduct, reinforcing the values that contribute to a flourishing workplace culture.

6. Advocate Whistleblower Protection:

   - Institute robust protections for whistleblowers to shield employees reporting coercion or unethical practices.

   - Reassure employees that reporting ethical violations will not result in reprisals.

7. Conduct Routine Audits and Assessments:

   - Regularly review and evaluate the organization's ethical standards and practices.

   - Undertake internal audits to proactively identify and rectify potential areas of concern.

8. Collaborate with External Advisors:

   - Seek counsel from external ethical advisors or industry experts.

   - Partner with industry associations to stay abreast of best practices and ethical benchmarks.

9. Outline Clear Consequences for Coercion:

   - Clearly delineate consequences for engaging in coercion within the organization's code of conduct.

   - Enforce consequences consistently to underscore the organization's unwavering commitment to ethical conduct.

10. Encourage Ethical Decision-Making Tools:

   - Equip employees with decision-making tools that aid them in navigating ethical dilemmas.

   - Encourage employees to seek guidance from leaders or ethics committees when confronted with complex situations.

By actively endorsing ethical behavior and fostering a culture that esteems integrity, organizations can significantly mitigate the risk of coercion. Prioritizing ethical conduct not only safeguards the welfare of employees but also contributes to enduring success and a positive standing in the business realm.


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  1. The Covid-19 was a premeditated murder.

    1. I agree with you as my dad died of serious stomach ache.

    2. Immediately I took the vaccine my immune system deteriorated.


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